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Captain's Blog: Bard Date 3222020

Being home is both very strange and very not. Technically, the day Admiral Dad came to get me from Bard was a day he usually would've come to get me. Bard is now on Spring Break. Because it's Spring Break, it's easier to forget that this is a more permanent arrangement. I suspect things will start to hit again when we "come back" from break online. The reminder that this isn't normal is the fact that I can't go visit my brother and his fiance, Holly, like I normally would (or my mom, or my grandparents, etc., ect.). While I don't have reason to believe I was directly exposed to COVID-19, the virus was on campus, so I am self-isolating for the generally accepted two-week period. I wish I could isolate from Admiral Dad and Admiral Marie as well, for their safety, but the fact of the matter is I have to live somewhere.

Ensign Cow Bell and Lieutenant Juju have given me an extra warm welcome. I have been showered with an excess of purring, head bumps, and leg rubs.

Lieutenant Juju enjoys a sunbeam.

It has been made clear to me, however, that I've somewhat forgotten the local lay of the land. Last night, I made the Cadet mistake of leaving a hair tie out in the open. It is now used for Ensign Cow Bell's training simulations. I can't say I mind all that much. There are plenty more in my backpack, and she derives more use and joy from them than I ever could.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons came out Friday. Animal Crossing is one of Holly's favorite games. She got New Horizons for me as a "hey sorry you've had to banish yourself for the good of the public" present. The reason behind this is the online multiplayer mode. She and my brother also have the game, so we can meet up and hang out together on our little islands. My brother prefers physical copies, and his just came in the mail today, so he couldn't have a character in the game with us yet, but he was still sitting right next to Holly being a part of our game. The strange world of Animal Crossing makes for decent Away Mission simulations. It's important for a Starship Captain to keep her skills sharp, even in the middle of a quarantine. Today alone I visited at least five new worlds and made three First Contacts.

I've been in light contact with the crew throughout the day. Everyone's travel seems to be going well. I trust at this point that the whole of the crew is safe, which is a relief. A few messages in the group chat have been the majority of our conversation as people move and settle. I hope to have a more consistent means of communication in place later this week. I did set up a Google hangout for us today. We may or may not decide that's the best way to virtually meet up, but for now it's a comfort to me to know it's there as an option.

Most of the day, Admiral Dad worked on a musical social distancing PSA. It seems like he always finds a way to be productive, always finds a way to help. My first instinct is to say I want to be like him some day, but honestly, no time like the present. I don't want to be like that some day. I want to be like that right now. The biggest struggle of this quarantine for me is going to be the fact that the absolute best thing I can do for my communities at the moment is keep myself separate.
